I try to update this site regularly. Here's what changed:
- Updated recent image of M45 with enhanced background structures
- Added a detail view of the central complex in M45
- Fixed image display
- Released new version of the website
- Updated the uses page information
- Adjustments and responsiveness improvements to gallery and thoughts pages
- Update Astro to v5
- Basic implementation of the new design for 2025 (not yet fully responsive)
- Re-designed home page (work in progress)
- Re-designed gallery page
- Re-designed single item page
- Re-designed changelog page
- Converted changelog to collection
- Re-designed slashes page
- Re-designed support page
- Re-designed uses page
- Re-designed about page
- Re-designed thoughts page
- added new image of the Seven Sisters
- added new image of Mars joining the Beehive Cluster
- updated image of the Elephants Trunk Nebula with more exposure time (dataset from 2024-11-04)
- added new image of the Andromeda Galaxy
- added new image of the Pacman Nebula
- announce availability of Calendars for 2025
- added new image of Comet C/2023 A3
- updated my image of Eagle and Omega Nebulae
- updated image of the Sadr Region and Crescent Nebula with HSO variant
- made latest image of the Veil Nebula Complex available as print
- updated image of the Veil Nebula Complex
- added new image of the super harvest moon
- added new image of the Veil Nebula Complex
- added new image of the Bubble, Northern Lagoon & Claw Nebulae
- made Sadr Region and Iris Nebula images available for prints
- added new image of the Sadr Region and Crescent Nebula
- added new Iris Nebula image
- updated my job title
- added description to Eagle and Omega Nebulae image
- added Eagle and Omega Nebulae image
- updated Heart and Soul Nebulae image with refined colors
- updated NGC 7000 image with refined colors
- updated IC 1396 image with drizzled integration and softer stars
- adjusted prefetch to trigger on hover
- added a Changelog page
- added a Uses page
- added a Thanks page and links for sending tips to single image and thought pages
- added a Slashes index page (see
- updated Sh2-132 image with new integration of two nights
- removed Sh2-132 image from startpage
- updated NGC 7000 image with refined colors
- added new Sh2-132 image
- marked NGC 7000 image available as print
- added new NGC 7000 image
- use Thoughts abstract as page meta description
- add webmention and indiauth links
- added robots.txt and sitemap
- added compressor plugin
- added swup for page transitions
- fixes for startpage slider and gallery view